Kids need to Move It for at least 60 minutes every day
Both physicians and governments recommend at least sixty minutes of daily physical activity for kids. Regular physical activity promotes motor skill development. It also gives kids a sense of accomplishment, reduces the risk of certain diseases, promotes mental health, increases concentration, and sets good habits for life.
While many parents agree that physical activity is important, busy schedules, homework, inclement weather, and air pollution can make it hard to keep families moving. At the same time, schools are challenged to teach more academics and therefore reduce time dedicated to physical education. Add competition for free time from sedentary activities like video games, internet surfing, and movies — it all adds up to kids not moving enough.
Fortunately, a few simple additions of physical activity spaced throughout the day not only improves the body, but also the mind’s concentration, efficiency, and outlook on life.
Move It Monsters collectible cards encourage kids to move. Designed by parents in collaboration with a pediatric physical therapist, each Monster has its own card to show kids — and kids at heart — some fun activities that can be incorporated into even the busiest of schedules, tightest budgets, and smallest apartments.
Move It Monsters launched in conjunction with Shanghai Mamas to get families moving, Move It Monster Cards are available at LIH Olivia’s Place for a suggested donation of 50RMB per set of 26 activity cards.
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