Monthly Archives: June 2013

See You in Tianjin Soon!

June 18th, 2013 (No Comments)

Do you live in Tianjin or know a family there? We are very happy to announce that at the start of the new school year in August, we will provide services at several international schools in Tianjin. Services will be provided by the professional staff of Eliott’s Corner, our center in Beijing. As in Beijing, […]

New Services for Premature and “At Risk” Infants and Their Families

June 18th, 2013 (No Comments)

Babies who are born prematurely or who experience complications at birth have a higher risk of developing more slowly than their peers and/or having associated problems with their development. It is important to monitor the development of these children closely so any problems that may arise can be identified and addressed early and effectively. Pediatric […]

Olivia’s Foundation in Our Communities and Beyond

June 18th, 2013 (No Comments)

Olivia’s Foundation provides financial support to offset the cost of therapy for children in need. In addition, the foundation is committed to long term projects and dialogue that will advance the quality and accessibility of pediatric therapy and inclusive education for children throughout China. The foundation also supports Olivia’s Place staff in Beijing and Shanghai […]
