Monthly Archives: November 2013

Angel Mamas and Eliott’s Corner Partner Up!

November 11th, 2013 (No Comments)

Eliott’s Corner has started a partnership with the non-profit organization Angel Mamas, which takes care of Chinese children with special needs from institutions in various parts of China. Through an arrangement that provides Angel Mamas with a lower rate for therapy in recognition of the work they are doing, one of our physical therapists, Marc […]

Teenage Behavior: What to Expect and When to be Concerned

November 11th, 2013 (No Comments)

The teenage years: The mere phrase can bring on anxiety for parents. The image of a moody, rebellious, angst-ridden teen is common on television and in movies. Luckily, this stereotype isn’t representative of how most teens actually think and behave. But even though the high school years aren’t always as dramatic as pop culture might promise, […]

Healthy Kids: Promoting Physical Activity

November 11th, 2013 (No Comments)

  For any of us it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to be physically active on a daily basis. Families, in particular, may find this challenging as they juggle the schedules of children’s school and leisure activities, parents’ work and personal responsibilities, as well as making time for the whole family. […]

Speech & Language Strategies for Parents and Educators: Social Communication

November 11th, 2013 (No Comments)

One of the most important points to keep in mind when your child or a student in your class is receiving speech and language services is the importance of carrying over intervention in both the home and school settings. It is ideal for parents, therapists, and educators to work together and discuss the techniques that […]

SCIS Pudong to Host Inaugural SENISH Conference

November 11th, 2013 (No Comments)

SENISH (Special Education Network in Shanghai) is a network of Shanghai-based educators, professionals, and parents dedicated to supporting students with special learning needs. It is a part of SENIA, an Asia-wide network, and was started by international school educators, special education providers, parents, and SENIA board members. School administrators, counselors, learning support staff, and parents are invited […]
