Monthly Archives: January 2015

What is Learning and Behavior Support at Olivia’s Place?

January 31st, 2015 (No Comments)

At Olivia’s Place in Shanghai, the Learning and Behavior Support team has been growing and evolving since we opened our doors. Today, we have a team of four learning specialists and behavior analysts to meet a wide variety of needs. Most of the children the Learning and Behavior Support team serve receive learning support through […]

SHINE Academy Merges with The Nest

January 30th, 2015 (No Comments)

SHINE Academy, an inclusive learning center in Pudong, and The Nest, a dynamic preschool in Puxi, have combined forces to create a Reggio Emilia flavored, fully inclusive learning experience in Shanghai. The combined group is called The Nest and is located in Puxi. “Our mission is to bring an inclusive learning model to China and share our learnings […]

Strategies for Parents and Educators: Understanding Basic Concepts

January 30th, 2015 (No Comments)

One of the most important points to keep in mind when your child or a student in your class is receiving speech and language services is the importance of carrying over intervention in both the home and school settings. It is ideal for parents, therapists, and educators to work together and discuss the techniques that […]
