Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center

Partnering with Sunshine Rehabilitation Center for Occupational Therapy Training

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A training program on occupational therapy for children, organized jointly by Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center and LIH Olivia’s Place, was held from 17 to 21 October 2016 at Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center. Trainees from Shanghai Sunshine Rehab Center, Shanghai First Hospital, Shanghai Children’s Hospital, Shenyang Children’s Hospital, Quanzhou Children’s Hospital participated. The main speaker was Anna Tan Pascual, an occupational therapist from LIH Olivia’s Place. Through presentation of theory, group discussion, and live demonstration, Anna and the trainees thoroughly explored occupational therapy for children.


At present, there is still a big gap between China’s occupational therapy and international standards. In order to improve the overall level of occupational therapy in China, it is of great importance for occupational therapists in China to learn from their colleague and to promote professional development of occupational therapy in China. Given the background, occupational therapist from LIH Olivia’s Place shared assessment and therapy skills in occupational therapy on children with nationwide OT experts, in order to jointly promote the development of occupational therapy in China and to help more children in need.

changning-2-annaThe main trainer, Anna Tan Pascual, LIH Olivia’s Place, is a registered occupational therapist in the Philippines and Australia. She has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy and Master of Rehabilitation Sciences, both from the University of the Philippines. In her more than 20 year career, she has worked in a wide range of pediatric settings. Anna’s clinical interests include helping children meet school and classroom demands, especially handwriting, as well as working with children who are blind or have low vision.

In this 5-day training program, Anna not only gave presentations on sensory integration, fine motor skills, cognitive therapy, handwriting skills, visual habitation and visual perception, independence in self-care as well as helping at home, but also shared her own clinical experiences and vivid case studies to help trainees better understand the theories. LIH Olivia’s Place hopes that through this training program, more infants, children, and teenagers who have fine motor, visual perceptual, handwriting, self-care, and sensory processing difficulties can be helped and supported.

One of the highlights of this event was the on-site case studies in which four children were invited to the training site. Friendly and experienced Anna soon won the children’ s attention and cooperation, and she as well as the trainees assessed the children ‘s capabilities in sensory integration, work behavior, posture, bilateral coordination, muscle tone and muscle strength, and dexterity, by working with them and also by observing them play matching games, build with blocks, put on and take off clothes, draw shapes, and do other activities. Trainees were then divided into groups for discussion so that they could have a better understanding of the practical operations in occupational therapy.


The mission of LIH Olivia’s Place drives our efforts to help and support all children and their families in China. In this training program, we were honored to share our clinical knowledge and experience with experts from across the country.

SSRC Parents Learn About Positive Behavior Support

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Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center (SSRC) is the largest and most comprehensive nonprofit local rehabilitation center in East China. The center was unveiled in 2007 by Xi Jinping, former Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee and Hui Liangyu, the former Vice Premier. SSRC is located in Songjiang District and has over 300 beds. The center specializes in pediatric rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, orthopedic trauma, and sports rehabilitation. The site also contains the training center for the Shanghai Special Olympics.


Sunshine 3 Sunshine 6In December 2015, the staff at Sunshine invited Jamie Fanelli, Lead Learning Support and Behavior Specialist, to return to the center and give a workshop on positive behavior support. Several families attended as well as the clinicians from the center’s pediatric therapy department. The first part of the workshop reviewed the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and introduced some key concepts to understanding and addressing children’s behavior. Jamie then introduced evidence-based strategies for promoting positive behaviors and teaching new skills. The workshop was a success, as several of the parents who attended shared their child’s behavior problems and asked informative questions. The length of the workshop was extended and many families stayed after to further discuss strategies with Jamie. She noted that it was an especially rewarding experience as many of the parents who attended were brought up with more punitive forms of discipline and had never heard of positive reinforcement and how it could be applied in everyday life. A few of families commented on how eager they were to further research the topic.

Community Outreach in September

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On Aug 20th, the Olivia’s Foundation Review Board gathered to review applications received since January 2013.  Out of 18 applications from non-governmental organizations and individual families, both local and expatriate, 8 received a financial awards worth 4,000 RMB each for therapy services at Olivia’s Place. Families may use the funds for various purposes, such as therapy or assessment services, and recipients are provided with recommendations from our therapy team to most effectively use the available funds.

Jamie Fanelli, Learning Support and Behavior Specialist, was invited to give an Applied Behavioral Analyis (ABA) workshop to over 60 local families at Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center in Songjiang District on Sept 15th.  The entire staff of the center’s pediatric therapy department attended as well.  The workshop was quite a success, as many of the parents who attended have children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and they were all very engaged and asked a lot of questions.  There are plans to provide additional training for parents and staff in this area in the fututre at Shanghai Sunshine.

In September, Marla Balzer, Physiotherapist, presented on physical independence for special education teachers and parents in ChangNing District, Shanghai.  Later in the month, Dr. Alice Fok-Trela, Clinical Psychologist, presented to the same group on promoting social and communicative behaviors for children with disabilities. Olivia’s Place was very honored to be part of  this collaboration between the public health and education communities in Shanghai.
